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Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release - Releasing the 7 Belts of Tension over 2 weekends.

  • The Bonnington center Vauxhall Grove London, England, SW8 1TD United Kingdom (map)

Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System (BBTRS) is a somatic-based modality which works specifically with trauma integration.


This modality supports hundreds of people each year to release the physical and emotional pain and contractions which are imprinted in the body and psyche through exposure to traumatic experiences and repetitive stress.

BBTRS is a combination of 6 major elements - Breath, Touch, Movement, Emotional Release, Sound & Meditation. All of which assist individuals in coming home to the body, expanding awareness, developing deeper more nourishing relationships with self and others, and releasing long-held physical tension and emotional charge.

One of the fundamentals of the BBTRS is the Willhelm Reich body based therapy which focuses on the 7 belts of tension. There are 7 predominant areas of the body which are prone to accumulating and holding tension, each belt corresponding with a chakra (energy centre). During each session, Natalie will guide you into these areas of tension as well as applying touch and bodywork. As you start to bring full presence to these areas as well as applying movement and conscious connected breathwork, you will begin to release tension, creating space and bringing deeper awareness to the body.

This is a series of 4 x 3 hour workshops over the period of 2 weekends. You may join individual workshops - £45 per workshop. However, it is highly recommended that you join the full 4 session event to feel the incredible benefits of the BBTRS System £160.

Saturday July 22nd 3-6pm -

Ocular Segment: All the muscles of the eyes and eyeballs, the forehead, the cheeks, the scalp, temples and the occipital lobe (the centre of vision in the brain)

Emotional Expression: suspicion, amusement, contempt, detachment, guarding, fight, anger, and grief.

Sunday July 23rd 3-6pm -

Oral Segment: Mouth, chin, nose, jaw, ears.

Emotional Expression: contempt, disgust, longing, desire, fear, pain, anger, connection, self-awareness and presence.

Cervical Segment: deep neck muscles, the tongue and its operational muscles.

Emotional Expression: self-pity, helplessness, longing, hurt, fear, pain, rage, freedom and creativity, self-expression.

Saturday July 29th 3-6pm-

Thoracic Segment: Intercostal muscles, the large chest muscles (pectorals), the shoulder muscles (deltoids), the muscles around the shoulders and scapulas, the arms, the heart and the lungs.

Emotional Expression: deep heart feelings, grief, mourning, longing, love, fear, rage, anger and joy.

Diaphragmatic Segment: the diaphragm, the stomach, the solar plexus.

Emotional Expression: pain and pleasure, the blocking of the diaphragm is significant because it cuts the body in two, and cuts all sensing and feeling of the lower segments, such as sexual feelings, excitation, rage, hate, terror, strength and empowerment.

Sunday July 30th 3-6pm-

Abdominal Segment: the large abdominal muscles (rectus abdominus), the transversus abdominis, which runs from the lower ribs to the upper margins of the pelvis, and in the back, the lower section of the muscles which run along the spine (latissimus dorsi and sacrospinalis).

Emotional Expression: pain, fear, pleasure, trust, all feelings about nourishment and being nourished, relaxed in the center.

Pelvic Segment: almost all the muscles of the pelvis: the genitals, urinary tract, the buttocks (gluteus maximus), the adductors and abductors (in the thighs), hamstrings, and lower legs.

Emotional Expression: sexual feelings and arousal, sense of power, anger, rage, anxiety, terror, panic, pleasure.

During the workshops you may experience unusual or involuntary physical sensations as your body begins to release core tension. You may experience emotional release or a deep sense of peace and relaxation. You may start to notice the organic movement of your body in a session, and a new sense of freedom and aliveness.

Booking essential. Only 8 places available.

Please contact Natalie with any questions you may have or to reserve your place -

8 July

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